Blog posts — page 4
Episerver and Application Insights test drive
As you probably know Application Insights is Azure's option for application monitoring and visitor tracking. It's not New Relic APM/Browser and it's not Google Analytics but it's a lot of both. I've been running the preview on this blog for a while now and here's some reporting.
Removing Episerver Find from Swagger UI
I installed Swashbuckle in my Episerver site that of course also uses Find.
A ViewModelBuilder pattern for Episerver with MVC
An often discussed topic is how to set up a project's view models, content types and layout.
Cache busting CSS and JS files by hash value
Maybe you are using the Web Essentials Visual Studio extension or you get your minified CSS and JS files from a Grunt task or similar. Here's a concept of how to serve them on version unique URLs without using querystrings or changing filenames.
My very simple Caching Reverse Proxy ASP.NET MVC Web Application
I've published an early version of a thing I put together called Cloud Accelerator on GitHub.
Google Analytics Enhanced Ecommerce Features with Tag Manager
The Enhanced Ecommerce Features in Google Analytics are pretty cool. So are the features of Google Tag Manager.
PowerShell errors when using Episerver Visual Studio Extension
Trying to install a new Alloy MVC Site in one of my machine's Visual Studio 2013 threw error alerts.
Working with your own forms in Episerver and MVC
Custom forms is a common thing to have in a site's templates.
OWIN OIDC authentication on older Episerver sites
Many have been looking forward to the built-in support for Federated Security in Episerver CMS which is currently Beta released. In a recent case there was no time to wait and I came up with a workaround that could be used in older Epi versions as well.
Episerver start page language based on visitor's IP
Got tasked with determining and showing start page language based on visitor's IP on a Episerver 7.13 Web Forms site.