My very simple Caching Reverse Proxy ASP.NET MVC Web Application

I've published an early version of a thing I put together called Cloud Accelerator on GitHub.

What is it?

  • A very simple application that fetches, caches and serves web content from the remote domain names you allow.
  • Decompresses if necessary and enforces optimal compression if the client supports it and doesn't skip compressing under load as IIS does by default.
  • Any cookies are stripped so Response is cookie free.
  • Deploy it as an Azure Web Site and scale to what is needed.

When can you use it?

I've used it for static files and other anonymous and not personalized content. In a certain case I had large textual responses with a relatively high traffic volume where compression was absolutely necessary. The compression load was shown particularly valuable to get rid of in the original web application's web servers.

Other suggestions:

  • Should work great with EPiServer.CdnSupport
  • ImageVault (anonymous) file requests
  • Basically any candidate for CDN serving

Published and tagged with these categories: Episerver, ASP.NET, Development, MVC